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Eleanor Keene is a self-employed Fashion and Dress Historian and Valuer.

In recent years she has spread her time between valuing fashion and textile donations to National Museum collections as a Cultural Gifts Valuer and working with The National Trust of NSW with their related collections.


In 2022 she started a new path, lecturing in Fashion History and Culture to the Students at The Fashion Design Studio, Tafe Ultimo. 

Eleanor continues to work on Cultural Gift Valuations in fashion, primarily with the National Gallery of Victoria.


Eleanor Keene originally trained in the cut and construction of period costume for film and television. After completing a two year internship with the Powerhouse Museum Sydney, she travelled to England to study for a Master’s Degree in the History of Textiles and Dress. Eleanor then went on to head the Costume and Textile Department for Bonhams UK auction houses, putting together specialist sales and valuing national collections. Eleanor returned to Sydney at the beginning of 2010 where she has been enjoying the diverse roles self-employment has brought her way.


Eleanor has written for a number of publications on textile and dress subjects. She is a key contributed to 'Vintage Made' Magazine.

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